In the second part of 2024, five signs of the zodiac will undergo “the biggest transformation of their lives.”

Twenty-four allowed us to reframe our ambitions and see ourselves in a different light. In the first half of the year, it felt more about rebuilding and restoring. This astrological energy, according to May, an astrologer on TikTok, will create massive changes for five zodiac signs.

Since June, when the mutable planets received their most recent immersion in light during Gemini season, the astrology for the latter half of 2024 has dug in with them. Mars made a pivotal passage into Gemini on July 20, pouring further fuel in the heavens of ferocious further. The themes Pluto may articulate by redirecting its energy back into Capricorn were magnified via the two Full Moons that fell in Capricorn in June and July. During the whole of August, when Mercury was retrograde, the mutable T-square was most apparent and brought a lot of unexpected events and incidents. What September is about to write some more chapters in is a Full Moon in Pisces, a forerunner to the nodal shifts that take place in 2026.

With the Full Moon in Aries on October 17 and Mars entering Leo on November 3, October will carry over the eclipse drama started in April of this year. Events that will prepare us for an unforgettable retrograde at the beginning of December. Pluto will finally be entering Aquarius on December 19, in opposition to Mars, allowing us to return to Mercury’s entry into Leo. We’re going to be called upon to judge our achievements and ego on this journey. This story will be ever-evolving, from August through the end of this year and into next.

In the second part of 2024, five signs of the zodiac will undergo “the biggest transformation of their lives.”

1. Gemini


Gemini, prepare to “find yourself like never before,” as May says on TikTok. Jupiter’s been moving through your sign since May, and as it closes in on Saturn and Mars, it’s giving your transformation some serious momentum. Your foundation is going to be shook and you’re going to be put through your paces during this time. Saturn is judging how well you’re adapting and how good of a job you’re doing with your responsibilities.

As you go on discovering your gifts and strengths, Jupiter bestows upon you plenty of new insight and energy. This is a great period for learning new skills and keeping your mind open, as these tools will serve you in moving to the top.

You can see how the encouragement you get from everyone around you can help you work out what direction you want to go as the year unfolds and you continue to rebuild your foundation. This year allows for an intellectual expansion, building better relationships, and coming back from setbacks without giving up. Jupiter supports your success as long as you keep pushing yourself and maintain your momentum.

2. Virgo


These deeper teachings that you have carried with you since Jupiter entered Pisces back in 2022 have to do with the consequences of relationship. Now, with Saturn in Pisces, this feels heavier since you have been witness to your own personal transformation and growth over a few years. Still, this critical transit-which is dissolving your notion of relationships and allowing you to create space for buddies or partners who are infusing your life with vibrant, productive energy that moves your growth forward-is half done. You may feel driven to meet others and broaden your horizons with Jupiter in Gemini; it can also make things feel pretty unstable.

A subtle reminder to go slow and to understand the kind of energy you wish to receive from others, and also how you would like to be loved in a partnership. People already in partnerships have the opportunity to take the relationship to the next level, while singles get to find a similar energy person. Once you get choosy about the company you keep, the transits remind you gently to open your heart and give yourself a chance to love.

3. Pisces


In this cycle, you may feel like the star of the show, releasing old skin and finding new ways to be in your body. Saturn is still in your sign and is retrograding currently, bringing up a revisit of some themes that came out during Saturn’s time in Sagittarius and also some events from earlier in the year.

You are learning a great deal about your educational, professional and career goals; however, this is a special time because you’re formulating the plan for achieving them. This transit will continue pushing you, but for now you have some breathing room as Jupiter is still in Gemini helping you strengthen the foundation you’ll need to launch your aspirations.

You are most confident when you are able to plan ahead, and because of this, you may feel a lot more self-assured. The same time, however, asks that you become even more attuned with those around you. Where it might be easiest to simply bury yourself in work, these transits remind you that, wherever possible, you must try and take the time to go out with friends and family since this kind of social contact nourishes and soothes the soul.

4. Sagittarius


Years ago, under Saturn’s karmic transit through your sign, you battled this mutable energy. The next level of the lessons is finding your footing and figuring out how to use the lessons of the past in the present. Given the mutable T-square this August will add to the tension, the transits counsel patience if you have felt you’re not making much headway with work or studies.

Like other mutable placements this time around, relationships will be key, especially now that Jupiter is in talkative Gemini, lending you the charisma and aura drawing people to you. Your relationships now will affect them in the coming year, so tend to them.

You find pleasure in working in a team and seeing things to the end but at the same time, you know your best work may be when you are left to yourself. To maintain concentration on what needs to be done at this time, self-discipline becomes important. Enjoy learning and improve each time you go back and redo things. After Mars stations retrograde, include the perseverance and positivity to carry on with your direction.

5. Leo


The story will be continued by the inflow of plants in your sign, which began on August 3rd when Mars enters your sign on November 3rd-this is the season of metamorphosis. It was a brilliant time to be more candid and passionate about your journey and goals in August when Mercury began to retrograde in your sign. On the nineteenth, Pluto once again moves into Aquarius, this time carrying a heavier shift that will result in a new cycle. The point is, with Mars in your sign, your relationships are the headliner.

When the going gets tough, the tough get diplomatic and navigate and take care of themselves. Mars retrograde will teach you more about how you relate to the material. You also begin to see the concepts that Venus brought into your sign come to life. Mars can also bring an opportunity for healing and reconciliation. You go back and look at what went wrong, so you may go with more confidence and greater purpose. Because Pluto is in opposition during this transit, the releasing of any resentment and hurt can be extremely transformative.

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