September 7, 2024: Love Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign — Venus Counters Saturn’s Retrograde Motion

As the Virgo Sun opposes retrograde Saturn in Pisces on September 7, our love horoscopes remind us it is time again to be brought into awareness regarding how your inner world is informing your personal life. Without trying to comply with any previous ambitions or plans, recognize the value that resides within you and set an intention, but more importantly, notice through which ways love is showing up.

The more one is confident of receiving the love they have always been waiting for, the easier it gets to give into love and cherish every beautiful moment that comes one’s way. This Saturday, let us plunge into what the stars say through every zodiac sign’s love horoscope.

September 7, 2024: Love Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign — Venus Counters Saturn’s Retrograde Motion


Dear Aries, it’s okay to feel nervous or for some of the old, darker themes to resurface. This may mean you’re getting thrown in the fire rather than anything wrong with you having grown up or being ready for the love you desire.

This really will shift your vibration dramatically from where you are now. Try not to give in to this wounded part of yourself that is making you doubt your worth; remind yourself of how worthy you are, and take a stand for going after what you want. Even if it is just a text to the person you can’t stop thinking about.


Taurus, you may feel that you are more concerned with work-related issues today than romantic ones. This is a time to consider the balance you are setting up in your life-not to regress or lose sight of the importance of the present moment.

You may find that even if it’s just formally setting that first date in the books, talking about some real plans for the future feels more romantic today. Remember, though, you can strike a healthy balance between pragmatism and romance without having to choose one or the other.



It could be a little while before you, dear Gemini, re-focus your energies on what is most important to you. Compare the time you feel is being devoted to your relationship with the amount of time you dedicate to your profession.

You may want to reconsider any plans to complete work this weekend or at least schedule it around some time you have set aside for quality time with your significant other. Try to stay true to your heart and not let your work dictate what you should be doing with your relationship right now.


It’s still worth trying to plan for your dreams, Cancer-even when you can’t see how it will all work out. Today is all about embracing the love life you want for yourself, but it’s also about being prepared for the things you want to come to pass.

Take the initiative and try to figure out what comes next, whether it be the next step in a well-planned vacation, a new romance, or the future of your relationship. You don’t need to have it all mapped out, but planning is what makes your vision a reality.



You might feel especially blocked today, Leo, when it comes to one particular relationship. That doesn’t need to mean this relationship is doomed, even though you might feel less optimistic than usual about a connection working or how fulfilled you are. Consider whether you are judging this relationship based on outdated norms, rather than what you have discovered about yourself and love.

Postpone major decisions and try to see your mate as a person and how they are trying to love you.


Virgo, this is the reward stage in your love life, which you have been working towards, so remember to enjoy it. It may feel like so many of your romantic aspirations have come to fruition that you barely know in which direction to turn your attention.

This is not a problem; it is just one of the requirements of learning to be able to embrace and allow great things to emerge from the concerns of love. It is okay to have just coffee with your beloved or to talk about which restaurant to go to for dinner tonight; this really needs no big planning to achieve.


Even though you might be feeling quite the social butterfly at this moment, Libra, that doesn’t mean romance won’t find its way to your doorstep. Let your partner know you’re itching for a quiet evening together rather than forcing yourself to go out or to those social events in order to get through this current energy.

It is okay to share that space with one you love, even if you should respect your need to go alone. You never know when you might find it’s that time together is just exactly what you need.


It’s okay sometimes to surprise yourself, my darling Scorpio. Even when you’re able to be really adept at figuring out how you feel and listening to your truth, there will still be a few surprises.

You may find that being adventurous, going out of the box, and breaking routine might serve you well today. Allow yourself to enjoy anything new and exciting, even if not planned for the day, whether taking an impromptu day trip or firing up the old dating app once more.


Sagittarius, you need to be there for your partner. It’s been an intense time lately, and your energy really needed to go in other directions, but that put a damper on your relationship. You may need to adjust some of the other plans now and find a way to ask your partner how they’d like spending the day together, even if you didn’t plan on it.

It can be time for you to reconnect with your spouse and your relationship to build up the emotional connection that you both need.


Capricorn: Today could be a little tougher, but just know everything is working out for a reason. Sometimes, it’s necessary to really pay attention to how you’re talking with your spouse these days and make sure you’re not falling into old patterns.

This might manifest in being over-controlling with your beliefs of what is best for the relationship or showing less sensitivity and openness. The more cognizant you are of the words that you use, the more forward you might continue to push on the core of this connection.


The key to happy change in your love life, Aquarius, is being able to discern what you most deserve. You can question whether or not the development in your relationship is what you deserve or how divine a new romantic interest seems. This will change your life, but simultaneously, there is so much room for improvement.

Honour yourself for being worthy of those improvements and that great relationship you had always wished for.


It’s okay to be triggered sometimes in your relationship, sweet Pisces, but you can’t help it if that stops you from receiving the love coming your way. Everything that comes into view for you today is but a reflection of what you have been through and how far you have come.

It is important that you share these fears and apprehensions with your partner, but they aren’t welcome in this new relationship. You do not have to put on a face that everything is fine because love coming into your life loves you just the way you are, not when you are perfect.

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